About Us
New Anthoney’s > About Us
About Us
We Are a Sustainable Brand
Our Chicken meat food diplomacy
Local food businesses now, focusing on the global food systems, make a significant contribution to climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions with all stages in the supply chain, from agricultural production (poultry business is a part of it) through processing, distribution and retailing, up to home food preparation.
Businesses are increasingly aware of the need to address these concerns. Still, at the same time, they are faced with a growing challenge of food security and nutrition-related issues and tasked with ensuring that there is enough food to meet the needs of an increasing population. In short, more people need to be fed better, with less environmental impact.
How might this be achieved? Depending on one’s viewpoint, the problem can be conceptualized as a production challenge, in which case there is a need to change how food is produced by improving the hygienic efficiency of food production; a consumption challenge, a socio-economic challenge, which requires changes in how the food system is understood in a market where an ordinary person’s food culture is rapidly changing. In a way, New Anthony’s Farms raise an argument made for a re-orientation of meat food thinking that uses the insights of sustainable food solutions worldwide practiced by people as to future clients & customers everywhere. This is what “green” means to us.
We Are an Evolution Brand
While chicken is our primary focus, we do not limit ourselves to meat. We are constantly looking for ways to make the world a better place. Achieving international green certification and transitioning to biodegradable packaging are significant steps in our journey. Developing our export business is also a significant medium-term goal. Our aim is to leave a lasting impact on the world. We would like to provide thought leadership for our green vision.
New Anthoney’s was incorporated on 1 January, 1986 in Hanwella. The vision of the company was to promote family well-being. The strong process driven culture of the company helped establish a high quality product in the early years. We shaped as a private limited organization in 2002, which permitted us to create organization development while likewise expanding precision with presenting to it another vision.
New Anthoney’s stands at the forefront as a healthy chicken brand, with an emphasis on the ‘green’ chicken concept. Mr and Mrs. Emil Stanley, the founding Chairmans of the company, had a long-term vision for producing healthier chicken without the use of antibiotics, hormones or chemical additives. After 35 years, Sri Lanka as a country is now moving towards the same health focused philosophy.
Culture & Values
We are a relationship brand
A fundamental principle in life is that we should love and care for our fellow humans. It is a fundamental principle of New Anthony’s corporate philosophy. You may trust us to go above and beyond the call of duty to ensure one’s success, fulfillment, and happiness through a long-term partnership built on love and care.
We are a synergy brand
Individual achievements in knowledge, expertise, and work practice are recognized at New Anthony’s through a balanced partnership that emphasizes the value of working as a team toward a common objective. Our culture of teamwork and synergy fosters respect, innovation, and creativity, resulting in an environment where excellence is the norm rather than the exception.
We are a knowledge brand
We think that investing in ourselves through learning and development is the most empowering investment we can make. We believe we owe it to ourselves to break new ground and broaden our perspectives in order to achieve personal and professional fulfillment while also helping to improve the lives of those around us.
We are an authentic brand
We feel that the only way to conduct business is to maintain a high level of integrity and trust. It is crucial to our personal and professional success, we believe. These principles are among our most treasured value-added propositions to our firm, and they are actively fostered in our workplace. People will trust us, our products, and our organizations with their commitments, aspirations, and futures because we create and build things, services, and structures with integrity.
Standards & Achievements
The New Anthoney’s family has adhered to an unwavering commitment to quality control and food safety. We have received the Sri Lankan quality control health standard accreditation, as well as other international honours. Our higher standards have been recognised by the entire chicken processing industry.

Board of Directors
We Are an Everyday Luxury Brand
“There are many luxury items in the world that are consumed by luxury people only. But there is one unique luxury item in the world that can be consumed by all across people. Anthoney’s Chicken. What we do here is making a world class luxury chicken an everyday choice of everybody.”
Emil Stanley
Chairman / Co-Founder
New Anthoney’s Farms (Pvt) Ltd.
We Are A Big Thinking Brand
To be the most free-thinking company admired for its people, produce and performance.
we are a human tech brand
To be the greenest poultry company, which progresses and nurtures professionals at every level of the organization to serve society with passion.
we are a consumer-centric brand
To produce Sri Lanka’s safest chicken
We Are a Linked Brand
Anthoney’s chicken started as a sole proprietorship, founded by Emil and his wife Marie. It was a small farm with 1,000 birds and a manual production facility.
Purchased their first land in Tittapattara and constructed cages with a rearing capacity of 20,000 birds.
The Company expanded to the second property in Kaluandura, with a rearing capacity of 40,000 birds.
Inaugurated the operations of Gold Coin feed agency.
The business was incorporated as a private limited liability company.
The first close-house project commenced with a rearing capacity of 25,000 birds in each cage.
A new semi-automated production plant was built with a capacity to process 2,000 birds per hour.
The first feed mill was started.
A breeder and hatchery was set up at Attanagalla
Waste management plants were built with (Rendering).
The plant was upgraded, making it fully automated with a processing capacity of 5,200 birds per hour.
The breeder operation was expanded at Kithalawa, Mahendra Estate increasing the rearing capacity to 48,000.
The broiler operation was expanded at Mayawatta increasing the rearing capacity to 1.4 Million Birds/month.
The hatchery was expanded to a capacity of 1.2 million birds/month (Indolamulla).
Waste management plants were built with (Water treatment plants).
Anthony’s inaugurated export operations.
Launch of Haritha Hari product.
With the spread of COVID-19, the Dorakadapaliya free home delivery service was established.
Crizzpyz, the first value-added product, was introduced to the market.
A new further processing plant was built.
Spicydicy marinated product range was introduced.
Anthoney’s Meatlery (Private) Limited was formed, as a pioneer in the luxury meat supermarket space
Backward integration for feed mill.
Acquire Anthoney’s Feed Mills